
The Life Changing Journey of Nicholas Savage - Adventure Thriller Novel by Rob Wassell

The Life Changing Journey of Nicholas Savage

by Rob Wassell

As a seventeen year old vegetarian working at a burger restaurant, this is not where Nicholas Savage wanted to be – but that was the point, he didn’t know where he wanted to be – he felt he had no purpose in life.

A discussion with his Gran immediately gives him direction and a chance encounter with an influential celebrity paves the way for a journey that will change not just his life, but the life of everyone around the world.

Genre: Adventure Thriller
Pages: 436 Pages
Price: £6.95

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Reader Comments

"A great story. I got really sucked in."

"This story has hit a very up to date scenario. Thank you Rob for a thought provoking issue, a story well written."

"Highly recommended."

"Very entertaining."

"A clever story"

"Original and topical"

"Thought provoking"

"Well written"

"I loved it. I didn't want it to finish."

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